This is Ah Siao - The Next Big Thing
simple blog of a singaporean. a journal and gallery for the author who likes photography. hits the drums, expressive on the piano, carries a guitar. loves to travel and loves eggs.
Before i start grumbling, wanna say thank you to Anonymous who left me a kind comment that i do not know was for which post. Can't find it already..
I've been thinking a lot recently, about my life, about what i am doing, what am i called to do. Many times i wonder if i am on the right track. I have the answer, but i continue to question myself time and again. I get very uptight with little things, you can't see this sight of me cos its on the inside. There are situations where i make decisions because of what somebody else says. When i have decided for myself, i get affected when he says otherwise. I'm lost..
I wish for wisdom.