

Bowling session at Yishun Safra today.. 3 games, i only performed at the last one -165! Keep the other scores to myself. Wanted to have dinner at Eighteen Chefs but it was fully packed, that's good. We then settled for HK cafe. Haha. A place i eat so often, so often. I like Hong Kong.
Moon was super bright today. Cannot tahan, must capture. Goodnight.


-WHEY` said...

HK is definately a nice place, minus the small housing and polluted air! food is great :D come hk! haha, so happen that i am in HK now :D hoho

syl said...

Hong kong!
Aiye, i will travel there some day. Hah!

NIC(: said...

went Yishun Safra too! wanted to bowl too but a few of my friends didn't have socks. so decided to go K歌 算了. bowling's fun eyy? 165 siols. my highest only like 130++ ? and yeahh, the moon is super nice(:

thy said...

Woah, i like the paranoma shot ! [1st pic]
its really nice, the water the greens & the building.
sam, you're really a fan of photography man !
and the moon's really bright , prettay! ;D

pekchoo said...

Looked like you are enjoying yourself today! =D

HK cafe not bad.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Come n find me la
just kidding la

Yun Ping said...

,the moon is round and it's beautiful.Nice picture taken!