

Did ya know that soaking your feet (around ankle level) in warm water helps you to relax and gives you energy? That's what i'm doing now.. =)


Adeline said...

i also want soak!

Jean said...

I only know can relax.. esp after a long walk outside, reached home, soak in water super shiok!!=DDD....

thy said...

it's for tired feet too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Really?? maybe I should try that one time when I am free.. =)

Jane said...

Hello Sam how are u? Sorry for not leaving comment for long time... Was busy working... I will leave comment when i am free... Jiayou!

Is it? Shall try it next time... Thanks! :)

新年快乐, 恭喜发财, 万事如意!!! Huat ah!!! =)

Sam Wong said...

I'm fine, thank you. Don't have to be sorry at all!