
Rain. Hurts

I walked under the shelter but was still drenched. Cold.
I saw a Javan Myna stuck in the drain lying on its back, trying very hard to free itself. Huge rain drops were falling hard on its little body and injured wing. I couldn't reach the bird. Even if i could, i may not have dared to pull it up with my bare hands. I stood and stared for a short while. It probably died already. Sad.


thy said...

aww ): i dont think i would dare to also.. even if u saved it it might not survive, given its injured and all.. count it as freeing it from torture bah.

Anonymous said...

Why do it die when it tries so hard to live. Why do some, be it humans or animals, can't die even though they really wished to. Whats life? Whats living? Why do we have life and why are we living? When we all know that we'll all be leaving one day.

Sam Wong said...

My opinion.
Sometimes we face problems or pain that seems too much for us, we choose to escape and wish to die. Can't die? Cos time isn't up and we haven't done our best to overcome it. 'They' always say live life to the fullest, even though we know that it will end someday.

Ask God when you meet.

YUJING said...

guess what? i went to google for the image of a Javan Myna, because i was seriously wondering what kind of bird is that. then i know the birds that we see everyday is named Javan Myna!

now i know why is my english D7=( boo!

mm centipede said...

aiyo so sad. sometimes i feel like the poor bird stuck somewhere where it doesnt want to be. i wanna fly but where can i fly to? searchin blindly for a good destination to fly to, maybe by then i will hv more strength to break free? that is if my spirit is not too numb by then! hmm...time to hv some sun pls. let me bask in the moonlight 1st.

thy said...

well, for me i think that death doesnt always solve problems.. to some it seemed like an 'easy way out' but i think that it's just escaping.. like recently the girl from temasek poly who sucided.. i believe if she talked to someone about her problems she would've overcame her problems.. death isnt always the way to go or to solve problems. life's never easy, it's up to us to find our way out. till when our life really ends, then it's our ticket to freedom. while we're alive, then we gotta live life to the fullest and solve problems, not escape them...

and when we finally meet god, we know it's time to be carefree .. no more troubles!

Sam Wong said...

YJ, i never knew its name too till recently. I got a C6.

A drumming centipede.

Let us look on the bright side of being here in Singapore. I wanna fly out too.