If i am a boy, i will commit the earliest years of my life on studies, and play the piano for 2 hours every day. I will exercise to achieve a good figure. By the age of 27, i would have settled down comfortably.
If i had won $11.4mil from this week's toto, i'll get a new flat. And i'll be in London again. No, maybe Japan, maybe Montreal, maybe Boston, or Germany, Taiwan?
IF.. Just dreaming makes me happy.
if only all the IFs in life can come through.
If life is so short, why don't you say the stuff you never did before we run out of time.
This puts women in a subservient role and more often, ideology of professions are constructed as such. I'm not a feminist and as much as your thoughts are hypothetical, it's a reflection of society's perception of women.
On a lighter note, press on in your passion for music! (:
It is usually the female who gives more in a relationship, which i feel shouldn't be the case. I truly think women deserve to be loved so much and be well taken care of, by her partner, not in the sense that she follows blindly but rather not having to worry.
I have 2 sisters. My wish for them is to have the right man beside till the end of life. A good man each who loves them wholeheartedly.
:D if only love was so rational. when love strikes, we wouldn't be able to choose who we love. as a angsty teenager used to tink dat it is cruel to bring a new life into this ugly world but if it's true love (ya so cliche :P), it will be super excitin to go thru it all jus to create a mini him or her to see who the baby looks like. toto loot is elusive for many...go for boston lobsters!
If only he thinks the way you do.
Hmmm…all this hypothesis sounds like a math problem…if he doesn’t think the same way then it’s not true love ;)
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