

I just recalled i have this space.

About halfway through the course, as fast as can be, ain't as bad as i thought this would be. Doing this now and 10years back is seriously different. Couldn't foresee the possible importance of certain choices i made, never measured opportunity cost accurately, pure stubbornness.

Young people gotta try to learn as much when young. Yes i'm young.


(: said...

yup just like what the guy in this video said in the first 14 secs.


Pek Choo said...

All the best & Jiayou!! ^^

syl said...

It's not late to start learning again. Jia you alright! :)

angie said...

I feel the energy to soar and to pursue what is missing.

I ain't going to compromise and to settle with the least bit.

I know it needs some efforts and a little faith to believe.

I set my heart to go with the flow and to enter into the unknown.

I pride to explore the uncertainty and yet to maintain a level-head.

I dream the dream I want and work to make believe I can.

And I believe I will eventually hold on to my dream tightly in my fist.

I will not miss a single day to live, to dream.

mm said...

Maybe it is just as well u hv forgotten. sometimes we need to take a roundabout route before we realise smthing. The process is just as impt n necessary to open our eyes to things we've missed before. den everything becomes more meaningful n precious cos it is earned the harder way :)

Sam Wong said...

OMG - staring at the video. Looks....

U too, PC!

Yes Syl :)

Angie, like the 1st 2 lines best.. We need energy.

Agree with ya mm..totally.