

Watch on youtube..


Anonymous said...

The photo is so NICE... The baby's small hand is so CUTE!!!!! Who baby is that??? Last but not least, the song is so nice and touching... My tears going to fall while listening to the song... :'(

Jean said...

sounds super touching.. nice!=)

syl said...

Hmm, maybe you could start some online teaching of piano/keyboard melody :)

thy said...

SUPER GOOD!!! sam you're getting so so good. im really excited to see what else mlb can bring to us mlbians. everyone of u 3 is moving on to a greater height, jia you!

Xiang ping said...

hey sam,i love this song..What a nice song....

WeNdY said...


"Wo Ni De Shou"(Sang by you) ~ Very Nice!!

Touching ~ Pic matched the song so well, the hand must be yours ya? :)Whereas the hand of the baby is..?

Also listened to "命硬" u sang, really like it a lot;)

P.S: Looking forward to more songs from sampractice's channel <3

singyin said...

:-) :-) :-)

Sam Wong said...

That mini hand belongs my friend's daughter who's less than a year old. Feel like squeezing..

Syl, many times i'm inspired by online videos too. Perhaps it may happen one day when i have enough correct stuff to share.

Last but not least, Thank you thank you everyone.. Hope ya enjoy the videos if i do upload more..


JIAHUI said...


mm said...

可爱! and 好听!

-WHEY` said...

after hearing it, what i can say is i miss all of your voices! AWWW.. keep working on piano and singing :D jiayous! :)

Sam Wong said...

Thank you.

Jia you too..